See for yourself the quality of our coatings.
1. Reputation - As the original coatings company Conklin has been in roofing for 40 years. Conklin only chooses the best materials for their commercial roofing products. The truth is the end user of Conklin products always
2. Conklin Warranty Enjoy true peace of mind with an optional warranty program that is NON-Pro-Rated on materials. If the materials fail for whatever reason Conklin will take care of the issue.
3. Solves Roof Issues like leaks without tearing off the roof! Tear offs take forever. Don’t waste time on a tear off.
4. Recoup Your Costs - A return on investment is a big deal for any business! Many satisfied customers discover their white roof coating or spray foam insulation and coating can lower their cooling and heating bills. Sometimes federal, state, or local tax incentives can provide additional savings. Most businesses will find the Conklin roof system pays for itself during their warranty period.
5. Depending on your currrent commercial roof a Conklin roof system can eliminate future roof tear offs. Multiple redcoats can be applied as long as you own your building.
6. Conklin coatings look great Sure not everyone looks at your roof but if you are trying to sell a commercial building a nice white roof will definitely add value to your building and provide peace of mind for the new owner. I know a lot of white roofs do look great from the air.
7. Conklin contractors get the job done right the first time.